Full Interview with Day Trading Author Michael Martin
In Episode 2 of the Day Trading Authority Podcast, we included a snippet from an interview Mark had with author of The Inner Voice of Trading, author Michael Martin. Here’s the full interview for download and to stream, along with some additional information where you can find more interviews with the top day trading authors in NetPicks Author Series.

Download this day trading webinar by clicking on the links below, so you can take this recording with you anywhere: on you daily commute, running errands, at the gym, on the golf course, or wherever is most convenient:
MP3 Link: Right click and “Save-As”
Video Link: Right click and “Save-As”
Think you’re pretty sharp but, still can’t catch a break trading the markets?
The reason: Trading is just 20% intellectual and a whopping 80% psychological.
To succeed, you’ve got to sync your trading with your emotions and achieve the inner calm and confidence that translates directly into better decisions and ideally higher profits!
In this very special interview, author of ‘The Inner Voice of Trading,’ Michael Martin will teach you how to find your inner voice as a trader, so you can crisply execute your trading strategies WITHOUT hesitation. We’ll be covering:
- Traders are humans first: How your trades reflect the human propensity to pursue pleasure and avoid pain
- Choosing strategies you can sustain over time: How to find trading approaches you can tolerate—and consistently execute
- Letting go – You don’t need to be right all the time: Stop seeking validation from your trades—that’s not what they’re for
- Reducing your losses through self-discipline and surrender: How emotionally aware traders improve performance by keeping their losses small
Throw in some great case-studies from some of the world’s foremost traders and you’ll discover how integrating reason *and* emotion can make better trades… and make you a better trader.
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